Visual treatments
Our team of orthoptists specializes in the rehabilitation and treatment of binocular vision disorders, mainly related to eye movements and eye muscle coordination.
- Rehabilitation of certain visual disorders (strabismus, amblyopia, diplopia, convergence problems, etc.)
- Strengthening eye muscles
- Enhanced accommodation and near vision

Visual disorders
What problems
visuals can
be corrected
with orthoptics?
Insufficient convergence
Insufficient convergence means difficulty aligning the eyes when reading or seeing at close range.
The most frequent symptoms are visual fatigue, headaches, intermittent blurred vision despite wearing glasses, etc.
This visual disorder is characterized by double vision.
This occurs when there is paralysis of one or more muscles whose role is to move the eyes in different directions.
Orthoptics for children
In the school environment, orthoptists play an essential role in the management of vision and learning disorders, complementing psychotherapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy. Orthoptists help improve school performance in children and adolescents.
- Early detection and in-depth assessment of visual disorders
- Recommendation of appropriate treatments and regular follow-up

Some quick answers to your questions